Illustration by Grace Miceli
Found this meaningful for me today. Having a lot of shame about how I handled a romantic relationship recently. I either had the best instinct ever or I royally effed up. The part of me that is worried I royally effed up is struggling massively.
Thanks for sharing that, Anna. Without knowing any details, I’m going to speculate – go with your instinct.
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FIRST PERSON SINGULAR is a guide to surviving, thriving and sometimes just getting through a single day. Created by Wendy Braitman (more…)
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Found this meaningful for me today. Having a lot of shame about how I handled a romantic relationship recently. I either had the best instinct ever or I royally effed up. The part of me that is worried I royally effed up is struggling massively.
Thanks for sharing that, Anna. Without knowing any details, I’m going to speculate – go with your instinct.