Illustration by Michelle Rial
Yes; you woke up; you’re still breathing. It’s a GOOD DAY!!!
That’s the first gratitude of the day.
Wait there’s much more!
What’s your more?
This is such an important reminder, Wendy. I’ve been annoyed all day by a difficult person/situation but maybe I need to just take a step back and see things through a different lens.
For me, gratitude is the game changer of challenging days.
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FIRST PERSON SINGULAR is a guide to surviving, thriving and sometimes just getting through a single day. Created by Wendy Braitman (more…)
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Yes; you woke up; you’re still breathing. It’s a GOOD DAY!!!
That’s the first gratitude of the day.
Wait there’s much more!
What’s your more?
This is such an important reminder, Wendy. I’ve been annoyed all day by a difficult person/situation but maybe I need to just take a step back and see things through a different lens.
For me, gratitude is the game changer of challenging days.