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1960’s Redux

Wedge issues distract us, but they’re sure fun to talk about. I can’t believe that in 2012, we’re still arguing about contraception. Sane women aren’t arguing, they’re in complete agreement. It’s the clueless, old men who can’t face modern life. Sweet revenge? Donate to Planned Parenthood.

Mad Men, season five, begins March 25. Poster by Radio


4 comments for “1960’s Redux”

  1. Mark says:

    Distraction is right, the contraception issue has been settled long ago, but CNN reporting on the story earlier tonight said ” single women are the demographic that will decide this election” what do you think of that?

  2. wendy says:

    I’d be happy to do decide the election. This choice is utterly clear!

  3. Jody says:

    Have you been following what’s going on in my dear home State of Virginia?

    The Republican controlled legislature has passed two terrible laws. The first is declaring a fertilized egg to be a full person. This stupid move will have many forms of birth control outlawed and will likely increase the incidence of abortion on the way to declaring abortion illegal.

    The second horrible law is to require a woman requesting an abortion to undergo an intravaginal ultrasound! The procedure is invasive and medically unnecessary. Not only that, the woman must pay for it. This constitutes State sanctioned rape.

    The Republican Governor, Bob McDonald, has indicated that he will sign both. Mr. McDonald is angling to become the Republican Vice-Presidential nominee.

    I can hardly believe it. If any of your readers are Virginia residents, please ask them to call their State representatives and the Governor’s office and voice their outrage.

  4. wendy says:

    I love that you’re using my site to organize about such an important issue. Our voice gets stronger when we work together. Thanks!

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