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What Would Make You Feel Better Right Now?

Image via Design Fetish


5 comments for “What Would Make You Feel Better Right Now?”

  1. Judi says:

    Ha! I thought I was the only one focused on making or having more money! It took me FOREVER, between marriage and other relationships, to finally GET that I don’t need anybody else to have the lifestyle I desire. I’m not where I want to be yet, but I’m working on it!

  2. v65 says:

    War and politics do stress me out to the point that I have a hard time reading the news. My inner pollyanna believes if we weren’t fighting two unnecessary wars, we’d have enough money to fund universal healthcare, politicians would start working together and all the unhappy people would get treatment and be nicer. I wouldn’t have to support my elderly parents (who both could use some mental counseling as well) and disabled sister and everyone would finally “just get along”. Heck, we’d cure cancer and set up a colony on the moon where I could go visit!


    • wendy says:

      Politics in the U.S. are brutal right now. I’m an absolute junkie. I can’t stay away from the news, even though it drives me crazy. But I just met a neighbor who is from Syria. And that puts things into perspective.

  3. Dienna says:

    Too bad I didn’t have a choice between more money and a hot fudge sundae! But I should look at it this way—if I had more money, I could buy as many hot fudge sundaes as I wanted! 😉

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