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Do I Look Fat In These Pants?

On my list of 40 Reasons to Be Single is – there’s no one to answer, “do I look fat in these pants.” The question never yields anything good.

Have you ever posed this to a lover? And how’d that go?

Drawing by De’Von Stubblefield



13 comments for “Do I Look Fat In These Pants?”

  1. Michele says:

    Only in jest in order to stop a line of questioning I didn’t like. My other favorite conversation stopper was, “Do you love me?”

  2. wendy says:

    I have never asked any variation of that question and gotten the right answer. But it’s irrestible.

  3. Jody says:

    The reason women love to shop for shoes is that you never have to ask the question, “Do these shoes make me look fat?”

  4. Lauren says:

    In a moment of wardrobe panic I asked a simple “Does this look okay?” To which the boyfriend replied, (pause) “Well..”

    *this reminds me of the Friends episode that I stayed up too late to watch last night, Janice asks Chandler if she looks fat, Chandler pauses, Ross tells him to say “NO.” without any hesitation.

    So, we get mad at the truth or we leave the house looking ridiculous.

  5. mary c. says:

    Asking a lover this question would be so counterproductive and masochistic. The only people I want weighing(!) in on this topic are my girlfriends.

  6. wendy says:

    I think we need to trust our instincts and give ourselves the benefit of the doubt. Let’s just assume we look fabulous, and go on with our day from there.

  7. Ehm says:

    Yes! You’ve done it again, Wendy… What a great solution!

  8. wendy says:

    Now I just have to put it into practice.

  9. Jen says:

    I agree, it’s an irresistible question at times… For me, the reason it’s pointless to ask this question to a lover, is that they are never discerning enough. They always think I look great, which is wonderful if you want validation, but not if you really need an accurate assessment of your pants. When I need that, I ask my sister.

  10. Trixie says:

    My long-distance BF, with whom there is absolutely no future and whom I rarely see, always answers the question the way he should: “No, you look great in those pants.”

  11. wendy says:

    It’s the only answer, really. And it’s important to be said without hesitation.

  12. Lauren says:

    I asked my ex once if he would still love me if I gained a lot of weight. He said without hesitation, “No.” That’s a good part of the reason why he’s my ex.

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