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Getting Ready for a Wedding

In two months, one of my closest friends will be getting married. I’ve beeen asked by one of the grooms to be an official witness, which means signing the Ketubah – the wedding contract in a Jewish marriage. This is an honor for a great occasion, and I’m looking forward to it. As long as good friends surround me, and I have something wonderful to wear, I can lap up the joy.

June Brides by Gayle Kabaker


7 comments for “Getting Ready for a Wedding”

  1. JoDa says:

    Jewish AND gay. That’s gonna be the most fabulous wedding ever.

  2. Richard says:

    And the mechitzah? 🙂

  3. wendy says:


  4. Richard says:

    A mechitzah is a partition to separate the sexes, so men (say, at an Orthodox synagogue) do not view women while praying (women can view men while praying, so a balcony for women above and behind the men is o.k.)

    My prior post was a lame attempt at humor, because — this is just a guess — I suspect the wedding you mention will not take place at an Orthodox venue. Have fun!

    • wendy says:

      Ah. Yes, you’re right. It will not be an Orthodox venue. Now both Reform and Conservative Jews (including my Rabbi) recognize same sex marriage. We’ve made progress.

  5. Richard says:

    I didn’t know that, about the Conservative and Reform movements. Thanks for the information

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