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Are You Ready?



Heart by witchoria



25 comments for “Are You Ready?”

  1. Stacey says:

    Valentine’s Day is a Crock.

    That is all.

  2. Petra says:

    Friends of mine invited me to a dinner party that just happens to fall on Saturday (and it is emphatically NOT a V-Day celebration). I’m looking forward to that, as the “she” half is a fabulous cook and I am to have two servings of dessert.

    And I’m going to order a book for myself as a gift, though I don’t know which one.

    But the real way I’m getting ready? I’ve scheduled a 90-minute massage for myself on Friday–usually I just get a 1-hr massage, but I am effing worth that extra 30 minutes.

  3. Lola says:

    I fluctuate between not caring about Vday some years and other years feeling a bit down. Mostly, its the fact that if I did try to make plans with people this weekend, most people would be “busy”. But its funny, most of my now coupled women friends are a bit cagey about it, I think they don’t want to come out and say they have valentines day plans with their significant other. Anyways, I’ll have to be sure to find ways to keep myself busy this weekend…

    • wendy says:

      Today, I asked a few of my married neighbors about their Valentines Day plans, and they both kind of grimaced. I felt a relief about being single, and not having to even deal with it.

      • Lola says:

        Wendy – I had one of those moments just this morning. One of my co-workers remembered it was Vday so was frantically trying to find reservations for his significant other. And then wondering outloud whether he “Still” had to buy flowers since he was taking her out for dinner. I realized I didn’t necessarily want to be on the receiving end of that.

  4. Dee says:

    I have never cared about V-day in the past and I don’t intend to start now. I have had friends who organize “girl’s night out” dinners on V-day and I’m happy to join in (more for the fun of hanging with friends than caring about V-day). It’s a Hallmark holiday hyped up to make money. I have no interest in it and probably wouldn’t even if I were married/in a relationship. I’ve never understood why anyone would be depressed by V-day or read those “how to get through V-day” articles online. But that’s just me. 🙂

  5. Leyla says:

    Doesn’t bother me much. If you can believe it, I liked v day way less when I was actually in a relationship…even with a person with whom I was deeply in love. There was too much pressure to give too much weight to something so insignificant: just another day. We were pressured to change who we were, how we acted, and what we said to each other to fit the commercialized image or ideal of love. It was unnatural and forced. I have been single for about 4 years now and each year I am filled with gratitude that the pressure is off for this one day. My other single friends moan about how it only serves as a reminder that they’re alone, well, I don’t see how you can avoid that. I am reminded of it every day. I am 27, so right at the age when I get a new engagement announcement, wedding invitation, or baby photo just about every minute. This weekend I am having dinner with my best friend and visiting my grandmother. It will be the best v day ever, better than all the ones with roses and chocolates combined.

    • Jules says:

      Leyla, I applaud you and your strong sense of what matters to you unswayed by societal pressures. I have booked a few more decades than you and periodically succumb to social conventions and Hallmark holiday brainwashing. So, I salute you and thank you for helping to keep me on track.

    • wendy says:

      Years ago, I worked in a restaurant and we used to call Valentines Day dinner, “amateur night.” It was our least favorite evening of the year.

  6. Kathy says:

    I’m another one who doesn’t care about V-day. In past years when I’ve been dating someone around this time, I deliberately became unavailable from approx Feb 12-17, until the whole thing blew over. I refused to have those silly expectations imposed on me.
    Maybe that sounds harsh, but…that’s how it is for me. 🙂

    • wendy says:

      I get it, Kathy. I had started dating someone about a month before New Year’s, and I opted to spend New Year’s Eve with friends, rather than put up with the pressure.

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