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Jessica Dance

Sony Walkman 1979.

100% lambswool. Vintage Flufftronics by Jessica Dance


8 comments for “Nostalgia”

  1. Petra says:

    I remember when the Walkman was THE coolest thing one could own!

    • Robin says:

      I know, I felt so hip and au courant when I got one. They seem so quaint now!

      Wendy, how do you even go about finding all the things you post? I am always curious to tune in and see where you have zigged or zagged most recently.

      • wendy says:

        I filter through so much content to find an image that I like. Maybe 30 different sites. And I also keep a folder of favorite images to eventually post.

    • wendy says:

      I hadn’t realized it was 1979, which practically makes it a relic.

  2. Leyla says:

    Takes me back to 3rd grade when I carried one of these around! By the time I was in 5th grade we fully converted to CD players!

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