A few days ago, the prolific author, Amy Krouse Rosenthal died from cancer at the age of 51. I was not familiar with her work. But earlier this month, I had noticed a heartbreaking column she’d written for the Modern Love section of the New York Times, You May Want to Marry My Husband. Nearing death, Amy cheerfully extols the virtues of her long-time spouse, for the woman who may come next. I’ve often thought what the perfect partner would be like. The description of her husband, Jason, comes very close. I urge you all to read it, and look into her work, as well.
Image via Austin Kleon
I just read this NYT Modern Love article and it makes me think, yes he sounds like a paragon, but also she is writing as his long-time spouse who loves and knows him. Not to take away at all from the virtues she extols, but in part he is who he is through their relationship; she has clearly brought out the best in him and I’m sure vice versa too. I guess all I mean is, we are not who we are in a vacuum but as we interact with others. Their mutual love and respect is clearly a factor in who they are, or maybe more correctly, who they had come to be at that point in their lives.
Anyhow, I hadn’t heard of her before so will have to look for her writings. Thanks!
My father adored my mother. To him, she had no faults. And he felt like he would’ve been half the man without her. Years after she died, there were occasions when I tried to bring up the things that were hard for me as far as my mother, and he had no idea what I was talking about. They had a long marriage. That’s some kind of love.