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Twin Peaks Fever

When Twin Peaks debuted in 1990, there was nothing that came close to the series on television. My friends and I would gather together and watch each episode, like it was a sacred act. Now, there’s so much good TV, it’s hard to keep up. In 2 months, the Twin Peaks revival will premiere on Showtime. I’m so excited. Any Twin Peaks fans out there?

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4 comments for “Twin Peaks Fever”

  1. Robin says:

    Twin Peaks is certainly one of a kind. I love the opening credits! And I enjoyed the whole atmosphere it created, and especially the early episodes, Agent Cooper and his ‘damn fine cup of coffee’ and ‘cremated’ bacon. It just got too creepy for me once that little red-clad dwarf entered the picture.

    • wendy says:

      It was so unique back then. I wonder how it will play now with so much masterful television. David Lynch is amazing, so I’m hopeful.

  2. Leyla says:

    Don’t know this one. What’s it about?

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