Zelda Fitzgerald
Moving abruptly from 10,000 feet to sea level can be risky. So can the transition from days of constant male companionship to the return of alone time. Apart from a turbulent ride on a small, noisy airplane, I shifted from coupling in the Rocky Mountains to being once again single in L.A. (yes, definitely still single) without entirely losing my footing. (Though my back did go out.) I’m sad, but steady. An enthusiastic and kissable dog at the front door really helps.
Why is romance so hard?
Today is the birthday of Zelda Fitzgerald, the wife of F. Scott, and together they formed a legendary romantic couple. They met at a country club dance in 1918, and after their first date, she wrote, “…It was a radiant night, a night of soft conspiracy and the trees agreed that it was all going to be for the best.” Their courtship and marriage was marked by ecstasy and tragedy. My story is much quieter.
Watch for it.
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