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filed in Sex and Dating

Am I Too High Brow?

high-browA friend who has been married and divorced four times is looking for his next romance. He spends hours online, scanning photos of potential dates. If a woman is standing in front of furniture he doesn’t like, he won’t go out with her. And I thought I was picky.

Speaking of which, last night on Match, a man “winked” at me. I opened his profile, skimmed through his “favorite hot spots” and what he likes to do for fun, and although we had little in common, I tried to have an open mind. But the clincher came when I saw what he wrote under the category,           LAST READ:

Victoria’s Secret catalogs looking for ideas for my honey when I find her


3 comments for “Am I Too High Brow?”

  1. Linda says:

    Why is some men think something that enhances their libido is for us? I had a boyfriend once – why do I persist in calling them boyfriends when I’m 55 years old? But this guy bought me several lace thongs from VS for my birthday. Butt floss? I say. And worse, lace butt floss? Do you have any idea how uncomfortable lace is against the human body? Clueless. But his feelings were so hurt, I wore the damn things anyway. So who’s the sucker, hmm? Still, to give credit where credit is due, that was the last time he bought me intimate apparel as a gift. I suppose I should have been happy he didnt buy me those plastic dish covers with the elastic edges. Got a set of those from the ex-husband on our first Christmas together. So I guess maybe there are things worse than a gift from Victoria’s Secret. Perhapes he’s teachable?

  2. Onely says:

    oh GROSS. Why on earth would he think that’s even remotely appropriate? Answer: because it’s worked in the past, sometime, with someone. Alternatively, maybe he just wanted an excuse to pick out some butt floss for himself.

    Linda, I have decided to start referring to boyfriends as my “consorts”.


  3. Singletude says:

    Some guys are so socially inept, they can’t tell the difference between turn-on and TMI!

    I love Christina’s, um, retro chic alternative to “boyfriend”! It’s almost enough to make me want to date again so I can use it and watch the reactions…almost.

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